Torture of Infants & Young Children - A Forensic Pathology Analysis

Torture of Infants & Young Children:
Principles for Prosecutors

Tentative Date: January 2024

Brief Description: Delve into the challenging area of child torture from a forensic perspective. We begin with an overarching view on the forensic pathology of torture, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the autopsy procedure specific to tortured infants and children. Topics cover the range of injuries, from blunt and penetrating traumas to asphyxia and environmental injuries. The course also highlights starvation, dehydration, neglect, and the challenging intersection of natural disease and non-natural factors in these cases. Equip yourself with the in-depth knowledge required for effective prosecution.

Speaker: Dr. Evan Matshes MD FRCPC

Torture of Infants & Young Children:
Principles for Criminal Defense Lawyers

Tentative Date: January 2024

Bried Description:For defense lawyers navigating the disturbing landscape of child torture cases, this course offers an essential grasp of the associated forensic pathology. We dissect the intricate details from the nature of different traumas to the complexities of medical neglect. With an emphasis on the challenging interface of natural diseases and external inflictions, this course ensures a robust defense strategy, underpinned by a deep understanding of the forensic aspects of such cases.

Speaker: Dr. Evan Matshes MD FRCPC

Torture of Infants & Young Children:
Principles for Child Dependency Cases

Tentative Date: February 2024

Brief Description: For law enforcement professionals, it's essential to understand forensic pathology principles while managing its emotional impact. This course covers both - from the foundational pathology of torture to specific injuries like thermal, chemical, and sexual traumas. Additionally, we touch upon the crucial aspect of vicarious trauma, providing insights into coping mechanisms and recognizing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Law enforcement officers will gain a holistic understanding, preparing for the complexities of child torture cases, from investigation to court proceedings.

Speaker: Dr. Evan Matshes MD FRCPC